Sunday, March 9, 2014

First Times The Charm

Recently, I decided to being a blog focused on instigating discussion around the challenges of being a substitute. I hesitate to call this a survival guide, and I definitely won't purport to know how to teach or what kinds of tips to give. But what I do hope to do, through the course of the next couple of months, is to think about what it might mean to be a substitute, thoughts that may or may not have validity for application.

With this stated aim, however, I must admit my own background and context: I'm a Cal graduate of Political Economy and Rhetoric, long time Co-Oper and tutor, and I have general interests in meeting facilitation and Critical Theory (among other things). I live in a small, rural town, around which I substitute (both in more periurban and less periurban areas),

With that, and without further ado...

Welcome To the Show...